What to do to ensure your daily safety?


August 12, 2022

We all like to feel safe, it’s one of the most natural feelings there is. We can take proper steps every day in order to ensure our daily safety. Our homes can always use improving, thus limiting the risk of accidents and falling. Theft prevention is another good one, even more so. By placing alarms, cameras, peepholes, and other security measures, we should feel safer already. There are even experts and organizations that can help us with this. They specialize in taking every precaution necessary to keep the client as safe as humanly possible. Of course, safety precautions should also extend from our homes to the outside world, there are options we can take to be safer daily. Safety isn’t always physical, we should protect ourselves from frauds and similar issues as well!

Want to learn more? Keep reading the article!

Without becoming paranoid, we all know that the elderly among us can be exposed to certain dangers in our daily lives. This is an opportunity for us to take stock of the “safety reflexes” that we should not lose sight of, in terms of fraud, swindling, violence or negligence.

At home

Safety starts at home. You have designed your flat or house to limit the risk of accidents or falls. Have you thought about theft prevention?

A few precautions will discourage burglars:

Inspect your home for possible entry points. If necessary, don’t hesitate to have a lock, a safety chain, and/or a second lock installed on your door, or to call in a specialist firm to examine the value of an alarm system. The installation of a peephole is essential: never open your door to a stranger who does not show you their identity papers. Don’t forget to lock your door, even during the day.

At night, light your garage and front doors and never leave signs of your absence.

Specialists advise changing your daily routine. If it seems too unchanging, it will be easier for potential burglars to take advantage of it.

Avoid keeping large sums of money at home and mark your valuables for possible identification in case of theft. As a general rule, these objects will be safer in a safe at the bank than at home… And if you cannot part with them, avoid exposing them to all eyes.

If you are away, protect your home by locking doors and windows and leaving a radio on. Do the same with one or two lights, which you can connect to a switch that is activated in the dark. Ask someone you trust to collect newspapers and mail and leave a key. Remember to leave a number where you can be reached if you are away, and ask someone to mow the lawn or clear the snow if you are going away for a few weeks.

On the street

Don’t walk in poorly lit areas, walk in the middle of the pavement, and avoid carrying packages or a large purse: it makes you too vulnerable. Never show in public that you are carrying a large sum of money. Ideally, you should go shopping in pairs or groups. If you feel you are being followed, go into a shop or house and phone the police.

In risk areas, prevention extends to your car. In your car, always lock the doors and close the windows. At night, choose places with sufficient lighting and open parking lots.

If a stranger approaches your vehicle, beware. In case of danger, sound your horn briefly and repeatedly to attract attention. Avoid picking up hitchhikers; look inside your vehicle before getting in.

Against fraud

Elderly people are considered by criminals to be ideal prey. It is therefore important to be aware of the risks involved. When it comes to breaches of trust, crooks are often very imaginative. The only way to protect yourself is to never make hasty decisions when it comes to money or property. Be cautious when you are told you can get rich quickly or are offered something for nothing. And never hand over large sums of cash to anyone. Also, remember never to give out financial or personal information over the phone or the internet unless you are the one making the call. Contact an employee you know at your bank directly and always seek advice from someone you trust before signing anything.

The list of scams is long: requests for donations to pseudo charities offer exceptional discounts for a trip that is almost free but ends up being extremely expensive, offers of lottery tickets, fake e-commerce sites, pyramid schemes where you are offered a commission if you buy one product and sell several others to your friends.

One piece of advice:

Don’t respond to unknown solicitations and go to trusted people and reputable agencies for your investments, travel, or purchases.

It has been shown that some victims are too ashamed of being tricked to report it to the authorities. For your own sake and to help prevent similar situations from happening to others, do not hesitate to report any incident to the police immediately.

Remember also that by being active in your community, you will create a reassuring social network around you that prevents you from falling into the loneliness that can make you vulnerable.

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