New in the world of aesthetic medicine!

Martine Bernier

Health journalist, editor-in-chief

May 4, 2021

Esthemedis is a laser center near Geneva that tries to cater to every client’s needs through new and advanced technologies. They offer a wide variety of lasers that can treat both your body and your face. They try to do so in a non-invasive method, which means they could get rid of your wrinkles, cellulite, hair, and more, without having to perform surgery. New in the world of aesthetic medicine is the latest developments in biotechnology and biochemistry. These developments opened up a lot of new possibilities as to how can one improve their looks. 

Want to learn more? Keep reading the article by Martine Bernier.

Located in the vicinity of Geneva, Esthemedis is a laser center that offers a wide range of laser and aesthetic treatments for the face and body. The main vocation is to provide solutions and tailor-made answers to the aesthetic needs of clients through the use of extremely advanced, innovative, and effective technologies.

The ambition is to provide clients with “The New Aesthetic”. An anesthetic approach that aims to achieve tangible results over the long term while respecting the integrity of the person, in a non-invasive manner and avoiding social eviction. By combining high technology, listening and know-how, the personalized services range from facial care (wrinkles, imperfections, etc.) to cellulite treatment and permanent hair removal. “All without surgery and in a gentle manner.”

Interview with Tatiana Peuvrel, Director and Founder of Esthemedis, by Martine Bernier

What are the signs to look out for from the age of 50?

In terms of aesthetics, there are two main factors to watch out for. The first concerns the transformation of the skin. This depends on the genetic make-up of each individual, on lifestyle, on the care given over time, and on exposure to the sun, which causes spots and pigmentary irregularities that prematurely age the skin tissue. The other phenomenon is the slackening of the skin, which loses its elasticity, particularly on the oval of the face. This, combined with the dull appearance and brown spots, gives an aged and tired appearance.

What treatment methods are available?

Many women and men want to have the same skin they had at 35-40 years of age. And it is possible! The latest developments in biotechnology and biochemistry have led to the development of combined approaches that offer the possibility of avoiding surgery. These include infrared lasers, which heat the dermis and lead to the immediate production and contraction of collagen, which reshapes the facial contour and firms the skin. Mesotherapy consists of injecting active ingredients through subcutaneous micro-injections that regenerate and rehydrate the skin. These methods help to restore the radiance of the face and have several advantages. The combination of these different techniques stimulates cellular metabolism in a sustainable way and offers the result of hydrated, firmed, and luminous skin. These painless treatments have the advantage of having immediate beneficial effects and do not cause any period of social exclusion as they leave no visible trace of the intervention.

A different approach for a man or a woman: is it a myth or a reality?

It is true. Men are less subject to hormonal changes. But the main difference is psychological. Patients who make the decision to go to a specialist identify and articulate their problem, expect an effective response, leave satisfied, and remain loyal customers. Women are more likely to relate their feelings and experiences to their physical appearance, to ask more questions.

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