And you? Do you listen to your body?

woman jumping in the nature

Martine Bernier

Health journalist, editor-in-chief

April 15, 2022

If you ask people ‘Are you listening to your body?’, most would say yes. Giving in to your temptations can be one of the best feelings in the world, but sometimes, that feeling can be entirely wrong. Those are not real needs but sudden wishes, meaning that your body doesn’t necessarily need what you crave for. If you get a sudden urge to eat a bar of chocolate, it doesn’t mean that your body has an urgent need for it. We have to truly listen to our bodies in order to understand what works best for us. The way we do that is by recognizing our physical, emotional, and mental state while working on improving them at the same time.

Want to learn more? Keep reading the article by Martine Bernier. 

Our body has needs that we often don’t want to hear. Yet we are mindful of its whims. And for good reason… A craving for chocolate or a salty flavor does not go unnoticed because the sensation is immediate and provokes.

It is more subtle to really listen to the needs of your body. The process requires downtime, to return to oneself in order to become aware of the signals sent physically, but also emotionally, and mentally. The interaction between these three poles is constant: our health depends on their condition.

The clearest messages we receive in the event of a problem are relayed by symptoms that are difficult to ignore: persistent fatigue, loss of energy, multiple aches and pains, migraines, insomnia, rapid and unexpected weight loss or gain, sudden loss of hair, lack of muscle strength … there are many examples. Ignore these signs can make things worse and lead to illness or even accidents. They must urge us to consult, but also to scrutinize the events of our lives that activate these levers of physical suffering.


By providing us with the elements necessary for our balance on a daily basis. Physically, we know that we need to breathe the purest air possible, to enjoy natural light, drink enough, eat healthily, to make exercise regularly, and sleep an average of seven hours a night. But these essential elements are not enough to ensure a peaceful life. We have also need to limit the intervention of “bad” stress in our life, to be recognized for who we are and what we do, maintain relationships enriching with our loved ones and those around us, have projects, and cultivate our passions. Listening to your feelings, feelings, and emotions without doubting their legitimacy is a way of being of service and, clearly, of setting up effective prevention against ill-being. A way of proceeding that we do not have elsewhere not invented since the Greek writer Plutarch (46 – 125) already said:

“ The beginning of living well is to listen well. ”

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